The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) temporary suspension on the importation of dogs from 113 high-risk countries went into effect on July 14th. This arbitrary determination impacts dogs around the world and will have a devastating impact on the operations of legitimate rescues around the world who are working tirelessly to help save dogs from extreme cruelty, neglect, and slaughter.
Please See the Latest Press Release HERE
Please Read our Press Release Regarding the Congressional Call to Reevaluate the Dog Importation Ban HERE
Please See the Press Release by Animal Wellness Action on Congressional Call to Lift the Dog Importation Ban HERE
Please Read our Press Release About the CDC’s Suspension HERE
Please See the Press Release by Animal Wellness Action About the Success in its Legislative Efforts to Address this SuspensionHERE
Please See September 27, 2021 Letter from Bipartisan Members of the House of Representatives to the CDC HERE
We need all of our followers, adopters, and supporters to call and write their members of Senators!
To find your elected Senators, please click here and enter your zip code to find their names and contact information.
Please reach out to your Senators and use the language (or similar language) below to express your concern about the CDC decision to ban the import of dogs from over 100 countries. Any conversations, whether written or oral, must be respectful and constructive.
Suggested Text or Wording:
Email Subject: Please Help Us to Continue to Import Rescue Dogs
I am reaching out to express my concern about the ongoing temporary suspension on the importation of dogs into the United States from 113 high-risk countries that was implemented by emergency rulemaking by the CDC on July 14, 2021. As a result, many international rescue organizations in the U.S. are now prohibited from bringing the dogs they save from abuse, slaughter, and meat markets overseas home to be adopted and cared for. Companion animals of our American military heroes and diplomats have also been prevented from reinterning the United States.
While I understand and appreciate the CDC’s concern for public safety when it comes to rabies, there are more narrowly tailored ways to achieve the CDC’s stated goal of protecting public safety, and ensuring the safety of the dogs who have been denied entry into the United States.
International rescues have the same goals as the CDC and can work collaboratively with the CDC to find solutions that will ensure that the dogs they have rescued and rehabilitated have appropriate documentation of their age, vaccination status, and proof of rabies immunity BEFORE they board a flight to the United States. Requiring all dogs that are imported from high-risk rabies counties to be accompanied by a valid rabies titer test alleviates the CDC’s concern about the risk of these dogs bringing rabies into the United States. The science unequivocally supports this.
With respect to the CDC’s cited lack of funding as a key reason they are unable to process dog imports, that can be easily addressed too. In July, the House of Representatives passed an appropriations amendment for the 2022 House appropriations bill to provide $3 million to the CDC to streamline the import inspection process. WE NEED THE SENATE TO DO THE SAME THING!
Please encourage the Director of the CDC, Dr. Walensky, to work to find other, more equitable, ways to achieve the CDC’s goals without harming rescue dogs who desperately need our help.
It can be done; it must be done.
Thank you for your time and consideration of my request.
You can also send your concerns to the CDC using the contacts below:
Rochelle Walensky: Phone: (404) 639 7000 Email: with a copy to
Dr. Emily Pieracci: Phone: (404) 718 4757 Email: with a copy to
Watch the Press Conference